The fully chromatic reservoir of twelve notes is established in the first twelve notes of this fifth movement. We also see a lot of the compositional techniques in chords and intervals of the former movements that reappear.
The last movement of Five Scenes from the Snow Country clearly has three structural parts, marked by the change in meter and rhythm: The first part is clearly rhythmic and measured, and combines 3/4 and 2/4 bars with actual bar-lines. From the second bar of the second page on, the bar-lines are omitted in the writing, and the music becomes pulse based, very similar to the rhythmical approach of the beginning of movement 4. The third part starts on the third line of page 3 of this movement and represents a polyphonic, non-rhythmic writing until the end of the movement. Chung again made an estimation on how long the different fermatas throughout the movement can last in his analysis (5).