Improving the practice and performance of contemporary music

Additional Material


The following quotes may help you to get in the mood:

by Stockhausen himself:
  • "You don't need to think when it is finished, or whether anybody is listening or not: you don't care whether you die in the meantime, or if the sound may be too long for you to finish playing, or if the space you need is greater than the hall, or your instrument, or your own body can contain."
  • "The most profound moments in musical interpretation and composition are those which are not the result of mental processes, are not derived from what we already know, nor are they simply deducible from what has already happened in the past."

A quote by Michael von Hintzenstern, also one of the “approved musicians”:
  • "The most profound moments in musical interpretation and composition are those which are not the result of mental processes, are not derived from what we already know, nor are they simply deducible from what has already happened in the past."

... and a fitting one by the Dalai Lama:
  • “All phenomena, whether impermanent or permanent, have parts. The parts and the whole depend on other, but they seem to have their own entities. If the whole and its parts existed the way they appear to you, you should be able to point out a whole that is separate from its parts. But you cannot.”

Finally for the diehards, an obscure semi-spiritual Japanese text on Intuitive Music can be found at this link.


I add a list of pieces that surround Stockhausen’s period of Intuitive Music. They can give ideas of the musical language at this particular time. [Reminder : Für Kommende Zeiten = 68/70W)
  • Ceylon [part of ‘Für Kommende Zeiten’]
  • Japan [part of ‘Für Kommende Zeiten’]
  • Wach [part of ‘Für Kommende Zeiten’]

Further Reading