Improving the practice and performance of contemporary music

Stacks Image 3513
Loop B - constructive period 2

Although there are some minor examples of note-diminution, the main tendency in this period is to have note-addition, building up from the residue of the former period. The rhythmic density is raised from the broad rolls in measure 103 to 32nd quintuplets and 32nds in measure 113. Dynamics evolve in crescendo from pianissimo in measure 103 towards forte in measure 113. No accents are added. Staccato articulation is added on the 32nds in measure 113. The melodic curve evolves from the quite static residue in measure 103 to a combination of fluent quintuplets and capricious 32nds in measure 113. The tempo evolves from 32 bpm in bar 103 to 50 bpm in bar 112. There are some note-rotations in the rolls between measures 105 and 106.