Improving the practice and performance of contemporary music

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Loop B - regressive period main motif

Although there are a few note-additions, the tendency in this period is to have note-diminution. The rhythm is augmented extremely over the whole period from measure 57 on towards measure 65. From measure 53 to 59, there are some small crescendos in the individual measures, but the overall dynamics move from forte in bar 58 to ppp in bar 69. Accents are added in the beginning of the period to enhance the structure. Staccato articulation is added to some of the notes in bars 56 and 65. The melodic curve evolves from the quite capricious main motif to the static residue at the end of the period. The period starts at 84 bpm in bar 56 and slows down to 50 bpm in bars 64-66. There is a short rotation of the note G4 in bar 63-64.