Improving the practice and performance of contemporary music


LSL.clicktrack is an application developed by Living Scores Learn to facilitate the translation of the theoretical analysis and research results into practical solutions. The application provides the possibility to rapidly create complex patterns and clicktracks to be used as a metronome in the practice room or in a performance. It can be used in combination with a sequencer and contains possibilities to program your rehearsal session. The application is part of the Living Scores Learn platform.

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  • create complex rhythms and meters
  • set different subdivisions for beats
  • create polyrhythms, up to six different layers
  • store different patterns in measures
  • create rapidly combined, irregular and inter-polar measures
  • play back ranges of measures
  • use presets to reflect structural analysis
  • program tempo changes
  • use tempos between 10 and 999 BPM for each note-value
  • use floating point numbers for the tempo (cfr. Stockhausen)
  • preserve tempo relations when practicing in different tempi by scaling the tempo
  • automatically increase/decrease the tempo or stop playback
  • link your clicktrack to a sequencer / tape
  • save your clicktrack and presets and upload them to the LS Learn platform
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Two modes

LSL.clicktrack functions in two modes. Metro-mode and click-mode. Metro-mode is similar to a metronome; it plays back one pattern. Click-mode provides the option to define a range of measures - with meter and tempo changes - and play them back as your metronome. You preserve the tempo relations because the tempo will be scaled down instead of changed in absolute values when you want to practice at slower speed. The program window provides shortcuts for setting measures and will greatly improve the time needed to create a complex clicktrack.

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If you would like to use the application, you can request a login for a free download. Please signup via the form below. A confirmation email wil guide you to the login section of our website.

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